It’s very easy to find a fuckbuddy the wrong way. In fact people do this all the time. This is where guys really mess up a lot of long standing relationships with female friends. Let’s face it, to find a really good female friend takes a lot of effort and it takes a lot of time. Are you really willing to throw that down the toilet just because you want to get your dicks out and to fuck somebody? Absolutely not! You have to do this the right way otherwise it’s very easy for things to blow up in your face.
It really is a roll of the dice if you play the game the wrong way. Think of it like this, it’s all about a communications game that you play with your female friends. If you develop the friendship the right way, then there is some open area or some sort of open possibility where you can take an otherwise platonic friendship to a much more physical level. However, that back door has to already be built in to your relationship.
Unfortunately, most guys don’t think of their effort to find a fuckfriend in these terms. Instead, they look at the concept of fuckbuddy, they get all excited, and all of a sudden, try to turn all of their female friends into fuckbuddies. Talk about a recipe for disaster. If you want to end up not having any female friends at all, then go ahead and do that. It’s really important to engineer your friendships the right way. Your best bet of finding fuck friends is using which is a site that is totally commited to finding a fuck friend.